Corporations and Partnerships in Slovenia, Second edition

Author: dr. Rado Bohinc, Published by: Kluwer Law International, 2020

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law of business formations in Slovenia provides quick and easy guidance on a variety of corporate and partnership considerations such as mergers, rights and duties of interested parties, stock exchange rules, labour laws, and takeovers. Lawyers who handle transnational business will appreciate the explanation of local variations in terminology and the distinctive concepts that determine practice and procedure.

A general introduction covering historical background, definitions, sources of law, and the effect of international private law is followed by a discussion of such aspects as types of formation, capital, shares, management, control, liquidation, mergers, takeovers, holding companies, subsidiaries, and taxation. Big companies, various types of smaller entities, and partnerships are all covered in turn. These details are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance.

Thorough yet practical, this convenient volume puts the information necessary for corporations to compete effectively at the user’s fingertips. An important and practical tool for business executives and their legal counsel interested in engaging in an international partnership or embarking on corporate expansion, this book will prove a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals alike. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Slovenia will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative business law.

Media Law in Slovenia, Second edition

Author: dr. Rado Bohinc
Published by: Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn cop. 2019

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this analysis of media law in Slovenia surveys the massively altered and enlarged legal landscape traditionally encompassed in laws pertaining to freedom of expression and regulation of communications. Everywhere, a shift from mass media to mass self-communication has put enormous pressure on traditional law models.

An introduction describing the main actors and salient aspects of media markets is followed by in-depth analyses of print media, radio and television broadcasting, the Internet, commercial communications, political advertising, concentration in media markets, and media regulation. Among the topics that arise for discussion are privacy, cultural policy, protection of minors, competition policy, access to digital gateways, protection of journalists’ sources, standardization and interoperability, and liability of intermediaries. Relevant case law is considered throughout, as are various ethical codes.

A clear, comprehensive overview of media legislation, case law, and doctrine, presented from the practitioner’s point of view, this book is a valuable time-saving resource for all concerned with media and communication freedom. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Slovenia will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative media law.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Authors: dr. Rado Bohinc, dr. Til Rozman, dr. Matjaž Uršič, Petra Podobnikar, Maja Jančič, dr. Barbara Rajgelj
Published By: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, Ljubljana, 2016

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When talking about social responsibility on a global level, every entity doing activities in a relationship with nature shall maintain balance between the economy and the ecosystems. In addition, balance should be searched between the profit and social welfare, or, speaking on a wider scale, between economic and social development. A trade-off shall be achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; or, to be less ambitious, at least a compromise.

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Media law in Slovenia

Author: dr. Rado Bohinc
Editor: Rogers Blanpain, Frank Hendrickx,Published by: Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn cop. 2015

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In the first part of the book, there is an overview of media markets and landscape in Slovenia and main actors in the field of public and private radio broadcasting and print media. Also technical infrastructure as electronic communications network, equipment, services, including electronic signature and cable penetration are analysed. In addition, institutional infrastructure like Electronic Communications Council of the RS, Communications Networks and Services Agency, ACOS (APEK) and The Inspectorate of the RS for Electronic Communications and Electronic Signature are presented. Following technological and economic developments on the media markets is introduced as digital television, new media, convergence of media products and film and audio-visual industry are described in the book. Sources of media law starting with the Constitution, legislation and implementation decrees, related to media and to broadcasting and journalist ethical codes and case law from the field are further elaborated.

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Corporate governance as a tool for economic growth

Authors: dr. Rado Bohinc (ed.), dr. Mejra Festić, dr. Vesna Dizdarević, dr. John Hopkins, dr. Jožef Mencinger, dr. Matjaž Nahtigal, dr. Barbara Rajgelj, dr. Bojan Tičar, dr. Katja Eman, published by: Založba FDV, Ljubljana 2014
Authors of this book are from two Slovenia’s universities (University of Ljubljana, University of Primorska) and from the University of Canterbury, New Zeeland.
The book is based on the research project, financed by the Agency for Research and Development of the RS, number J5-4233, duration 1.7.2011 – 30.6.2014 called: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AS A TOOL TO OVERCOME WORLD ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRISIS. The research was dealing with the roots and consequences of the world economic and financial crisis, focusing on the factors of economic growth, related to corporate governance and some macroeconomic issues. As for domestic factors, important factors of efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness have to do first of all with the transition issues, like unfinished or unimplemented parts of reforms of the legal, economic and political system. Even more, there are serious gaps between enacted legal system solutions and reality in business and politics, due to weak enforcement system on one hand and strong and deeply entrenched previous business ethics and practices on another.

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Comparative company law : an overview on US and some EU coutries’ company legislation on corporate governance

Author:  dr. Rado Bohinc, Published by: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken2014, cop. 2011, 529 pages, 537 legal sources.

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The US and EU Comparative Company Law monograph contains the extensive research the author has done on the corporate governance systems of the USA, EU, UK, Germany, France, Slovenia and some other countries of the EU and out of EU. It analyses the differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages, of the US single board or one-tier system in comparison with the European two-tier corporate governance systems. Following an in-depth presentation of corporate governance in general, provided with chapters on the general theory on corporate governance, the main opened issues of corporate governance, sources of law, OECD principles of corporate governance and OECD guidelines for state owned enterprises, the book focuses on the types of business organizations and ownership structures both in the US and EU corporations, and then concentrates on explaining and analysing the corporate governance systems in the EU, the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Slovenia, emphasising the features inherent to each of these systems.

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Corporations and partnerships in Slovenia, International Encyclopedia of Laws

Author: dr. Rado Bohinc, Editor: Roger Blanpain, Published by: Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn cop.

There have been 5 editions of International Encyclopedia of Laws, Corporations and Partnerships in Slovenia published  by Kluwer Law International so far, as follows: 2017, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008. The books have been contributing to the systematic, detailed, and comprehensive legal presentation of the regulation and the development of Slovenian corporate law, following demanding, internationally accepted methodological approaches. Slovenian corporation (company) law can thus be internationally compared at the global scale, which provides much needed expertise to business circles, while allowing to scientific comunity to perform comparative analysis.

After general introduction and historical background of the country and national company law, the definitions, notions and structure of different forms of companies are presented.A detaqiled description and interpretation of legal rules on Public limited company, referring to formation, essential elements of legal personality, capital and shares, shareholders’ management and control, liquidation of the company, mergers and takeovers, affiliated companies, concerns and holding companies follows. A comprehensive elaboration of the limited liability company, like the realtionship between the company and its members, management of the LLC, and disolving is given in relateed chapters. Finally the concept of partnership, and the detailed explanation of unlimited and limited partnership including combinations as dual companies is presented.

Comparative Corporate Governance

Author: dr. Rado Bohinc, Published by: University of Primorska – Fakulteta za Management, 2010

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The author presents and compares some US (mainly MBCA, Delaware and California) and European (mainly the EU, Germany, UK, France and Slovenia) legislation on specific corporate governance issues, and attempts to explain the legal differences and similarities between the  legal systems on specific corporate governance issues. In addition, the author seeks to identify their broader (historical, societal) causes and implications so as to predict possible developments and of course to suggest the best alternatives for future Slovenian corporate governance developments. By comparatively analyzing the corporate governance legislation in a number of theoretically broadly discussed issues like the structure of boards of directors, one- or two-tier systems of corporate governance, the role of shareholders in corporate governance, the execution of the supervisory function over the conduct of a corporation, etc, the author attempts to find arguments supporting the views presented. Given that it is impossible to discuss these issues without previously providing theoretical explanations of certain general issues, the author presents them briefly, not very systematically, with only brief comments.

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