The aim of the research on this field is to examine the gap between the reality and both the recommendations and guidelines of various international (Bologna and EU) documents regarding the questions of university autonomy, and to propose solutions to ensure its greater autonomy within the national higher education system. First, the international higher education community’s guidelines and recommendations concerning various aspects of university autonomy is presented. Based on this review, the questions that relate to the constitutional and legal position of the university as an institution in Slovenia are identified. This is followed by an analysis of the legal framework, the legal status of public entities, and the university-state relationship while also presenting disparities from the constitutionally established autonomy of universities from different perspectives. The research findings reveal that the current university system as regulated by the Higher Education Act is inadequate. We therefore argue that truly establishing the constitutionally guaranteed autonomous university requires the higher education legislation to be amended in terms of modernising and improving the Slovenian higher education system (preparation and adoption of a particular university law).
The rectors’ conference of Slovenia launched an initiative to prepare a new draft law on the country’s universities. This step derives from the standpoint that universities are themselves responsible for creating a proper legal framework for their autonomous academic performance. A working group was formed to reflect the basic concepts and formulate a draft law. Among other issues, the draft law largely deals with issues concerning the corporate governance of the universities, including the relationship among university governing and academic organs and bodies, the position of the faculties as members of a university and the issue of student participation. Some unanswered questions relating to the extensive discussions that followed in the academic community regarding certain of the draft law’s solutions are presented in the papers.
Rado. Reti universitarie e ambiente interculturale. V: SADUN BORDONI, Gianluca (ur.). I Balcani e il Mediterraneo, (Collana di studi diplomatici, Storia, memorie, saggi, 30). Catanzaro: Rubbettino. 2010, str. 69-77. [COBISS.SI-ID 3834327]
BOHINC, Rado. University and corporate governance. V: JEŽOVNIK, Alen (ur.). Creativity, innovation and management : proceedings of the 10th international conference, (Management International Conference, ISSN 1854-4312). Koper: Faculty of Management. 2009, str. 1711-1725. [COBISS.SI-ID 3387863]
BOHINC, Rado. Law, institution and management in univesity education. V: Intercultural dialogue and management : 9th international conference, 9th International Conference organised by the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia, University Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Slovenia, and European Institute of the Mediterranean, Spain, 26-29 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Koper: Faculty of Management. [2008], str. 2331-2340. [COBISS.SI-ID 2958551]
BOHINC, Rado. Law, institution and management in univesity education. V: Intercultural dialogue and management : 9th international conference, 9th International Conference organised by the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, Slovenia, University Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Slovenia, and European Institute of the Mediterranean, Spain, 26-29 November 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Koper: Faculty of Management. [2008], str. 2331-2340. [COBISS.SI-ID 2958551]
BOHINC, Rado. Scientific and technologic cooperation as effect of economic integration : referat na 4th Round Table – Conference “Dynamic Effects of Economic Integration”. [S.l.], 25.-26.IX. 1995. [COBISS.SI-ID 7813636]
BOHINC, Rado. Scientific and technologic cooperation as effect of economic integration : referat na 4th Round Table – Conference “Dynamic Effects of Economic Integration”. [S.l.], 25.-26.IX. 1995. [COBISS.SI-ID 7813636]
BOHINC, Rado. Innovations-Wettbewerb. V: MUGLER, Josef (ur.), BELAK, Janko (ur.), KAJZER, Štefan (ur.). Theorie und Praxis der Unternehmensentwicklung : mit Besonderheiten der Klein- und Mittelbetriebe, Internationales wissenschaftliches Symposium Management und Entwicklung (MER 9), Portorož, 9. – 11. Mai 1996. Maribor: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. 1996, str. 56-58. [COBISS.SI-ID 17622109]
BOHINC, Rado. Governmental influence on R and D – the case of Slovenia. Sodelovanje centralnih in vzhodnoevropskih držav v projektu “Evropa kot globalna informacijska družba”: Stockholm, 6.-7. december 1995. [COBISS.SI-ID 17636957] BOHINC, Rado. Points for the national science and technology policy of the Republic of Slovenia. Théorie et analyse des systèmes, ISSN 0242-7443, 1995, let. 21, št. 4, str. 19-27. [COBISS.SI-ID 2781212]